First company was BTB Construction & Installation company which was built to make piping, storage tanks and pressure vessel fabrication and installation.
In 2013, BTB started its adventures in different countries and first abroad project was the quality management works of pipeline project in Basrah Iraq. Immediately after Iraq, BTB awarded a project from one of the biggest contractors in the world for infrastructure of Kutaisi, Poti and Anaklia cities of Georgia. After completion of many successful projects, BTB started to work in a lot of countries by the reference of its clients.
In 2017 BTB Mechanical Construction Company is built and new Group started to work in new geographies like Afghanistan, Djibouti etc.
Until today, group companies completed projects in 9 countries.
In 2017 Mat Pipe and Mat Industrial companies are also built and Mat Group is locked on its targets with different sectors. Activities of the group are generally:
- Construction Projects
- Industrial Projects
- Pipeline / Piping / Instrumentation
- Heavy Industry Equipment Fabrication / Installation
- International Trade